B.K. Art Fest
Producer Showcase Form
A form for all producers and beat-makers involved in the event to submit, so we may best accommodate the talent and have the necessary important contact information in case of emergencies. Also please perform with safety, we are not liable or responsible for any performers hurting themselves during their own performance. By completing this form you accept and agree to these terms.
Underground Advocatez
Producer Showcase Information
Producer/Beatmaker Role:
For every production/beat sold in house all producer(s) will give a 15% commission to U.G.A. as a house fee.
Before a producer is selected they must send a link to their beats before we choose to have them participate in the producer showcase beat auction.
The Producer plays up to 6-10 minutes of beats (final set time will be revealed in email).
Producers may play their beats however they choose or want to whether it’s their beat maschine, mpc, laptop or etc.
The Producer provides us a list of the beats they're playing for the night and the exact order.
Producer provides us the pricing for the beats to us in advance and we will include the base price in the auction form.
Each producer will get their own QR Code that includes the name of each beat and their order that they're played. This is why it's important for the producer to provide us with the list and order in advance.
We will put the minimum base price for the beats in the auction form and whomever bids the highest by the time of the end set will receive the payment information for the beat.
All payment and music file transactions in house will go specifically through U.G.A.
U.G.A. will send the payment to the producer after all of the beat material has been received by us to deliver to the artist.
Producers may price the beats at whatever value they want however prices may not be lower than $100.
Provide the leasing prices for the beats as well as the exclusive right prices for the beats.
All exclusive rights beat sales must be able to be tracked out and sent as stems.
All of the beats the producer intends on playing must already be tracked and bounced out, so that the transaction can occur smoothly.
There must be full WAV’s and non tagged versions of the beats provided to us along with the stems.
Royalty and Publishing is strictly between the agreement of the producer and beat buyer.
Producers maintain rights to still use their own contracts.
What's Offered:
Media: Photos and Video of Performance. Also please understand Underground Advocatez has the complete rights to the media and say on distribution, but will always provide artists with their content and do their best to make sure no content is posted that Underground Advocatez deems harmful to the brand. All artists will gain copies of the media captured to freely use for promotional purposes. If the set is 10 minutes or less then normally we will capture video of just one song and pictures for the rest of the set. Genuinely it's a video for the first song only and pictures for the remainder.
Commission Payout Information:
Selling tickets is NOT a mandatory task for this event. However, we do offer a chance for the creatives to make an extra profit, without being obligated to sell tickets for the event, while still being able to make a profit off tickets. We will add your name to the website for your supporters to select and accredit sales to you so that you may gain your additional commission off the sales made under your name/brand.
Commission payout will be delivered 1-2 weeks after event. We recommend you have your supporters purchase the advanced tickets online first before door sales. If you do accredit any door sales your guests must state whom they are supporting. If they don’t say your name or brand it will NOT be counted, you must inform your guests to state your name if they do intend to purchase at the door. CASH payments will not be accredited towards commission, only digital payments will be.
Our door person will NOT ask who they are there to support. Your guest must come in and say the name they are there for. We encourage pre-sales online, because those are easier to track. What is not tallied on our sheet we won’t account for. Encourage your guest to purchase in advance, it’s also cheaper to do so. You may message us and receive reports on your current sales or you can just wait until the end of the event and receive our final report in which we will give regardless.
Payout Structure:
Pay Rate: Commission.
The first 5 tickets are kept by our platform.
Only from the 6th ticket on will the commission incentive be applied.
Earn 10% commission from all tickets sold after the first 5 ticket sales.
Earn 20% commission after reaching a total of 10 ticket sales.
Commission percentage is only up until the first 25 ticket sales.
If the event participant surpasses 25 ticket sales they will receive $80.
If the event participant surpasses 30 ticket sales they will receive $100.
If the event participant surpasses 35 ticket sales they will receive $125.
If the event participant surpasses 40 ticket sales they will receive $150.
If the event participant surpasses 50 ticket sales they will receive $200.
Promotional Tips:
Post the flyer on all your social media platforms with the information. For the best results post in your stories and on your actual timeline. It's recommended to post multiple times on your story along with once or twice on your timeline.
Invite your supporters to the Facebook event page, which usually can be found in the email details.
Personally reach out to your supporters via DM/Text.